I had a week of Loser Mom occurrences. Let me tell you, it was not very fun! Here's a recap:
Tuesday was Celeste's GS cookie booth after school. Here was the plan: pick up Celeste and Sophie from school (3:30), meet at the other GS mom's house (3:45), drive to the booth (4:00), sell cookies (till 6:30), drive home. Simple, right? WRONG! Alexa has softball practice everyday after school, and it is each parent's responsibility to get them there. I asked her to get a ride with someone else this time. Well, I get a call from her at 3:15 that she and 3 others do not have a ride! OK, refocus. I called Celeste's school and asked them to get a message to Celeste for her and Sophie to walk home with the GS friend. I would just meet them there. So, I picked up Alexa + 3, took them to practice and headed to the GS's house. On the way, Celeste called to figure out where I was, as it was now about 3:45. I was almost there. When I got there, I went in and made my apologies to the mom, told them what happened, and said "where's Sophie?" Celeste had a really weird look on her face and told me she did not come with her! (FYI- later she showed me the note from the office, and it said for Celeste to walk home with the friend, no mention of Sophie at all!) So, I called my neighbor, and good, she had Sophie! That meant she had to watch Sophie for me for the next 3 hours! After all this, we were off to the booth and all went well. Alexa got a ride home from softball, got Sophie, and put dinner in the oven. What a girl!
Now for my next (and worse) loser mom moment. On Thursday, after dropping the girls off at school, I was home having breakfast, coffee, and reading. Why not? I did not need to be anywhere that day until lunch time. 9:40 the phone rings:
Celeste: "mommy, where are you? you are supposed to be here for my PACE conference."
Me: "what!?! there is nothing on my calendar? When?"
Celeste: "now, I think, all the other parents are already here"
We proceed to discuss the issue, Celeste was upset and crying a little, so the teacher got on the phone and yes, all the 5th grade PACE parents had a group conference at 9:30, the next group was not til 11:30, so I should head over and come now, late. I got there at 9:55 just as all the other parents (including to GS mom from Tues, she must think I am a total loser!) were getting ready to leave. Celeste and I were rushing through her conference when I felt wet/cold on the side of my leg. Well, my water bottle was on it's side in my leather purse and had spilled all into my purse. It was so wet, it soaked through the leather and was dripping out the bottom of my purse. I started pulling out the contents and realized it had been pouring on my camera, I lifted it out and water was streaming from it. Both my checkbooks, receipts, etc all soaked too! I tried to focus on Celeste and her conference, fill out the paper required of me, and not cry! When I got home I spread everything out in front of the fan, switched to another purse, and went to lunch with a friend. Much better!
I was remembering when my kids were littler how things like this used to get me so upset and crying. This time, no tears at all. I guess I go with the flow much better now! I just hate days like these that make me feel inadequate, but my children are all fed, clean, clothed, and pretty damn smart, funny, and responsible, so I guess we're doing all right!
Spanish Sanctuary Jack & Jill Bathroom Plan
4 days ago