Last weekend Tony, Sophie and I traveled to Oklahoma for our niece Cecilia's sweet 16 party. It was so nice to see family and be there for her special day.
Isn't Cecilia gorgeous?
Tony's sister Nanci did an amazing job with the whole event. I had never been to a Quince before. Here is a brief description:
A QuinceaƱera is the Hispanic tradition of celebrating
a young girl's coming of age - her 15th birthday.
Today's celebrations embrace religious customs, and the virtues of family and
social responsibility. The Quinceanera tradition celebrates the young girl
(la Quinceanera), and recognizes her journey from childhood to maturity.
The customs highlight God, family, friends, music, food, and dance.
Interestingly, many families today are merging their Hispanic and American
heritages by choosing to celebrate a Sweet Sixteen. For their Sweet 16 party,
the families do the full-blown quinceanera traditions – the religious ceremony,
the reception, the tiara with the number 16, and more.
It started with a mass in her honor. I am sure it was very spiritual and important and all that, but I was lost because
A) I am not Catholic and
B) it was all in Spanish
Next came the fun part, the paaartay!
The hall was decorated with a masquerade theme all in purple, green and gold. Nanci and her friend(s) did a great job:
One of Sophie's favorite parts was the doll with a matching dress to Ceci's
Cute picture of Tony and his Mama:
The group did a super cute, choreographed waltz, my pictures do not do it justice:
There was dinner and then more ceremony at the hall including honoring the com padres (Tony was one),
and then the DJ took over and the party started.
And here is Sophie with her cousin, she thought Ceci looked like a princess. I hope she doesn't get any ideas about a quince for herself!